WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! A classic Bruschetta! It’s perfect as an appetizer, but will also make a great snack! Add some excitement to your daily life by making this tasty recipe at home!
WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! A classic Bruschetta! It’s perfect as an appetizer, but will also make a great snack! Add some excitement to your daily life by making this tasty recipe at home!
Start by frying the diced garlic in olive oil.
Dice the tomatoes into small pieces and sprinkle the salt over it.
Add the fried garlic and olive oil to the tomatoes, as well as the chopped basil and balsamic vinegar. Mix well!
Spread the tomato mixture on toast or bread, or serve it as a side dish.
The team of Recipe Videos wishes you luck in making your Bruschetta!
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