Chocolate combined with rum between biscuit layers… That is what the Truffle cake is all about! It’s easily prepared at home, just be careful with the alcohol.
Chocolate combined with rum between biscuit layers… That is what the Truffle cake is all about! It’s easily prepared at home, just be careful with the alcohol.
The Truffle cake’s special feature is its cream, so it’s important to prepare it a day before baking the cake! Add cream, put on heat and add grated dark chocolate, keep stirring until it melts.
In time the cream and the chocolate will start thickening, remove from heat and let it cool down, but don’t stop stirring. Put in the refrigerator for a night!
Prepare the sponge cake the day you want to bake. First, whip the egg whites. Beat the yolks with sugar using a hand blender, combine with flour, cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of the whipped egg whites.
When combined, add the rest of the whipped egg whites with a kitchen spoon.
Put the mixture in a buttered, floured cake pan (6 inches across) and bake on 360 degrees F for 10-15 minutes.
When the sponge cake is getting ready, take out the cream from the refrigerator. If it’s too thick, wait for it to get a little warmer at room temperature. When mellow, add rum flavoring and combine thorough with a hand blender until creamy.
When the sponge cake is ready, all is left is to cut into layers and fill the cake with cream.
Cover the cake with the remaining cream and decorate it!
Good luck preparing! Enjoy!
You can find more dessert recipes here!