Cheese cream horns

The Cheese cream horns is a real retro dessert you can easily prepare for lunch or dinner!

Rice pudding

If you want to make something filling and cheap, the Rice pudding was made for you!

Angel wings

This tasty, crisp Angel wings dessert is easier to make than you’d think!

Somloi dumplings

Somloi dumplings, a dessert made of three different types of biscuit, that will surely sweep you off your feet.

American Pancakes

If you want to eat something delicious and simple for breakfast, make the American Pancakes!

Hungarian Lángos

Have you heard of this Hungarian traditional dish? It’s time that you’ve made the Hungarian Lángos yourself!

Snow eggs cake

Snow eggs and cake, you know both separated, but together? The Snow eggs cake is soft, tender, and melts in your mouth. It’s phenomenal! Try it today!

Kinder milk-slice

Tender, chocolate biscuit base biscuit with light cream the kids will love! Try the Kinder milk-slice today!

Curd donuts

Especially delicious and light, probably the most well-known dessert world-wide, and the most delicious one at that! Try the Curd donuts today!

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