WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Simple to make and looks amazing! Try our creative New Years Pigs recipe!
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WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Simple to make and looks amazing! Try our creative New Years Pigs recipe!
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New Year’s Pigs recipe: Preparing the New Year’s Pigs is simple! First, mix together flour, eggs, salt, melted margarine and active yeast. Then knead thoroughly.
Let the dough rise for 45 minutes in a warm place.
Flatten the dough and cut into circles with a large cookie cutter.
Cut out a bigger triangle shape from the circles and flatten the dough.
Brush over the cut-out dough circles with egg wash.
Roll the triangles back so that they form ears.
Shape the noses from small circles.
Make the eyes from olives.
Bake at 360 F° for 20 minutes.
Good luck in making the New Year’s Pigs! Enjoy!
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