WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Trying to find something for breakfast or dinner? These puff pastry pockets are tasty and crunchy treats, that will be gone just as quickly as you made them!
WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Trying to find something for breakfast or dinner? These puff pastry pockets are tasty and crunchy treats, that will be gone just as quickly as you made them!
Cut the puff pastry into squares, then place stuffing on each one. You can fill some with sour cream and ham, with a little bit of oregano sprinkled over it. Fill the others with tomato puree and cherry tomatoes, sprinkling oregano over these as well. Then add some grated cheese to each one.
Make your own cookie-cutters at home, by recycling a plastic bottle. All you need to do is cut off the end of the plastic bottle.
Make the second cookie-cutter as well. Cut off the middle part of the bottle and fold it in the middle. You should have a heart shape by the end. To make it stay in the same shape you can use a bit of sticky tape.
Take out a new sheet of puff pastry and cut it up into squares as well. Then use the cookie cutters to cut out shapes from the square’s middle.
Place the cut-out squares on top of the puff pastries that already having the filling on them. Use a fork to squash the sheets of pastry together.
Crack an egg into the cut-out part of each ham pastry pocket.
Cover the pockets in egg yolk before popping them into the oven for 15 minutes at 190°C. Enjoy while they are still hot! The team of Recipe Videos wishes you good luck to making your Puff Pastry Pockets!